Movement for Longevity
Keep moving for longevity
Lionello Cossettini 91 years of age, and he continues to exercise every day for 1 hour. He maintains his pilates program, takes care of his garden, and also manages a brisk walk. Nello still keeps his hand in carpentry, and is an amazing artist, creating terrific sculptures, and paintings. We find inspiration from his unwavering motivation and creativity. If you establish a habit of regular exercise when you are young, it is more likely that you will be able to maintain it, as you get older.
Exercise helps to keep you energised and motivated, enabling you to do the activities you love. As a Pilates Instructor I regularly hear from my clients that they struggle with keeping up their exercise program outside of the class format.
While it’s great to have a weekly-supervised class, where you work on technique, learn new exercises, and renew your motivation, it’s just as important to schedule in some physical activity every day. I have found in most cases, the symptom of tiredness can be remedied by exercise. Especially cardiovascular exercise that helps to get the oxygenation process happening in the body, giving us that feeling of refreshed energy.
It helps if you have a good variety of exercise, you don’t have to do the same thing every day. Just do something! Walk, ride a bike, roller-skate, swim, dance, jog. Take up Qigong, Tai Chi, or yoga. Do some resistance exercises. Get out in the fresh air and do some gardening.
Variety in training keeps you interested. If exercise “bores” you, watch out you may become as “stiff as a board”.
Get moving and keep moving!!