Dr. Carlo Cernicchi has skills in Chiropractic, Mora Therapy & Vega Test machines.
Dr Carlo has a Masters degree in Chiropractic, a Bachelors degree of Science, and a post graduate Certificate of Homotoxicology (Medical Homeopathy) and a Diploma of Botanical Medicine.
I work mainly providing Chiropractic services, but one of my interests is Mora-Vega therapy. It’s a form of naturopathy that uses bio-resonance machines. We use the machines to get feedback from the body. I look at the actual reflexes that occur when testing people with the bio-resonance technology.
In terms of health care, the situation is very unique. What is right for one person, may not be right for another. Each person is assessed individually to see what remedies are necessary for them, and what they need to avoid, in order to climb up the ladder of health regeneration.
Some health conditions can be so complex that it is difficulty for anyone to know exactly what to do. However with the Mora-Vega approach, it is possible to chart out the path to natural health recovery. I look for best natural remedy products on the market that can help a person achieve a better quality of life.
The therapy is particularly targeted to people who wish to be proactive in regard to their health, rather than waiting for degeneration to set into the body.
We work proactively to help prevent these issues from arising and keep the body in a good state. One learns how to manage their health with greater degree of insight and effectiveness.
If this is helpful to you, I hope to see and hear from you soon, thank you.