
Karen Cernicchi
Level 4 Practitioner
CERT. Rehabilitation Pilates
Australian Pilates Method Association Member since 1997


Graham Smith

Hi all, I am 56 years old and I have been coming to pilates at Ocean Beach Pilates Studio for 7 years now. I was recommended to Karen as I had a chronic lower back problem since my teenage years and had become worse as I aged. I had very little success with my quick fix treatments and varied fitness regimes. Initially my progress was slow but at the end of each year the improvement was there.

I am now at a point where I am pain free, walking 3-4 days a week. I have even done the Kokoda track and this year started running Terrigal Beach once a week. I have found the greatest improvements have come not in more reps or increasing resistance but in the small subtleties of change of posture, change of movement or breath, my mental focus, and Karen's ability to critique me through this process. This for me has lead to better posture, greater freedom of movement and flexibility.